12 April 2017

La Vida Mineral Springs Water Tank Good Samaritan Redux!

For the second time in the last few weeks, a good samaritan (or samaritans, it appears) have stepped forward to eradicate graffiti on the water tank of the La Vida Mineral Springs in Carbon Canyon near Olinda Village.

A post five weeks or so ago noted that graffiti applied weeks before that was painted over.  Then, within a short time, another batch of tagging was applied.

However, in short order, another beautification effort was made, including pink paint to match the historic color of the tank!

Incidentally, the concrete base just below the tank has been crumbling in recent years and the heavy rains, so desperately needed, this past winter have done further erosion, but it's great to see what is left being cared for.

So, once more, many thanks to whoever is doing this community service!


Jeff Fischer said...

Now if we could just get someone to repaint the logo...

prs said...

Hi Jeff, so far the many taggers who've hit that tank have left the logo untouched. Of course, before 2008's fire no one could even see it from the road because of all the growth. With the collapse of the concrete platforms below the tank, I wonder how much support it has now. Thanks for the comment!

Jeff Fischer said...

Yeah. It's such a great Sleepy Hollow landmark. Would be great if some SH residents or volunteer organization could adopt it. Any idea who owns it, or the land it sits on?

prs said...

Hi Jeff, last I heard the La Vida property is still owned by Tadayao Hata, who lives in Japan and has owned the parcel for over 20 years. There have been statements within the last couple of years that there are plans in development for the site, so we'll see what may come of that.