31 December 2009

On the Skids in Carbon Canyon #3871 + A Bonus

This one seems to have occurred since Christmas and is 1/8 to 1/4 mile from the county line on the Brea side on Carbon Canyon Road (SR 142.)

From what can be discerned, the vehicle, heading eastbound, brushed the hillside and then skidded across the westbound lane. No one seems to be have been coming the other direction, fortunately, and it can be assumed that this driver recovered nicely and went along his (most likely) merry way.

As an extra bonus, the poor "snail" utility cover that has been hit at least twice in 2009 near the old La Vida Mineral Springs property in Brea received a nice sendoff to a rough year by being tagged during the same period as the above incident.

Despite this sour post to end the year, the Chronicle would like to extend New Year's wishes for a great 2010 and let's hope that the Canyon has a good one, as well.


Anonymous said...

I HATE taggers.

prs said...

Hello Anonymous, I'll only slightly modify to say that I hate tagging. Thanks for stopping by!