31 October 2014

Happy Sleepy Holloween 2014

Though the number of people who decorate their homes and pass out treats for Halloween has certainly gone down in general over recent decades, there has actually been an upsurge in Sleepy Hollow, or at least one section of it.

On Rosemary Lane, there has been a very notable increase in decorations.  Of the dozen residences on the street, most are now doing something for the holiday, a marked contrast to how it was a decade ago.

Moreover, there are, for the first time in that period, a population in kids that has reached double figures--almost as many as there are houses.  So, that could mean a few more trick-or-treaters rambling the streets of the Hollow this Halloween.

This could just about warrant a return of the Headless Horseman from Washington Irving's famed 19th-century short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, an annual part of celebrations in the community for many years between the 1960s and 1980s.

In any case, here are some selections of photos taken of decorations along Rosemary Lane and have a Happy Holloween.


  1. Great pics! Looks scary!

  2. Hello Anonymous, thanks for checking out the post and for the comment. It's been great seeing the increase in decorating in this little area of Sleepy Hollow and there was a great neighborhood party last night, as well.
