03 September 2014

No Speeding Message Boards on Carbon Canyon Road

This morning two portable electronic message boards were posted along Carbon Canyon Road in Brea with the westbound one located between the former Manely Friends stable and the old La Vida Mineral Springs Resort and the eastbound one across from the Olinda Ranch subdivision a little west of Carbon Canyon Regional Park.

The boards flashed three distinct sections of the message:  "Brea Police Dept.;" "Watch Your Speed;" "We Do."

A cynic might wonder why this was being done now.

Was there an immediate reason for putting the boards out?  Was it the most recent road closure due to an accident?   Was unsafe speed the (or a) cause of the crash?  If so, was there something distinct about the incident that would lead to these warnings?

And, what will the boards be accompanied by?  Will there be more patrols by the department in the canyon?  If so, how often and when?

In a decade of living here, this blogger has never seen anything quite like this.  There have been plenty of crashes, many by reckless driving of one form or another, a dozen or so fatalities, who knows how many more injuries, plenty of damage to public and private property.

Yet, now, the message boards come out.  Really, electronic signs.  In some ways, no different than existing "analog" signs that suggest that radar is used in the Canyon (which they, in truth, rarely are and always during the day, not evenings [and weekend evenings] when the worst behavior is displayed.)  So, is there anything more to this than just the signs, which do probably cause most cars to at least slow down for the time they are there?  Will there be more of a police presence in the Canyon?

A cynic might suggest that there should be a fourth part of the electronic message:  "We'll see."

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