11 May 2010

Carbon Canyon Maintenance Annoucement

There are two projects of note to pass on concerning Carbon Canyon maintenance.  Here is the wording directly from the City of Chino Hills:

City work crews will be performing emergency repairs to the City sewer mains at Carbon Canyon Rd. (SR-142) near Feldspar from May 10 through May 20, 2010, which will require closure of the left turn lane at Feldspar. Expect minor traffic delays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Residents may enter and exit the neighborhood at Azurite.

Also, Caltrans and Cal Fire will be doing brush clearance work on Carbon Canyon Rd. (SR-142) from May 17 through May 21, 2010 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Flagging operations will be underway as Caltrans allows one direction of travel at a time through the work area so plan ahead and expect minor traffic delays!

What the nature of the repairs at the Summit Ranch subdivision constituted was not explained, but if the City was able to schedule it at non-rush hour times over ten days, it couldn't have been too much of an emergency, otherwise it would be an around-the-clock operation.
As to the CalTrans/Cal Fire joint project, this involves the removal of brush before the rain-nourished material dries out for the summer and fall fire season.  Roadside spraying was already done some weeks ago, but this will be a more intensive treatment.

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