31 October 2014
Happy Sleepy Holloween 2014
Though the number of people who decorate their homes and pass out treats for Halloween has certainly gone down in general over recent decades, there has actually been an upsurge in Sleepy Hollow, or at least one section of it.
On Rosemary Lane, there has been a very notable increase in decorations. Of the dozen residences on the street, most are now doing something for the holiday, a marked contrast to how it was a decade ago.
Moreover, there are, for the first time in that period, a population in kids that has reached double figures--almost as many as there are houses. So, that could mean a few more trick-or-treaters rambling the streets of the Hollow this Halloween.
This could just about warrant a return of the Headless Horseman from Washington Irving's famed 19th-century short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, an annual part of celebrations in the community for many years between the 1960s and 1980s.
In any case, here are some selections of photos taken of decorations along Rosemary Lane and have a Happy Holloween.
23 October 2014
On the Skids in Carbon Canyon #16239
Before 6 a.m. this morning, there was a crash in Sleepy Hollow that appears to have involved a single car, a Chevy Monte Carlo SS (meaning, hefty horsepower for racing through the canyon, if that's what happened) though no details are known.
Down at the corner of Carbon Canyon Road and Rosemary Lane, a Sheriff's car stood watch as a tow truck loaded the badly-damaged, probably totaled, coupe onto the flat bed.
As the photos show, the front end was crushed in, primarily on the driver's side, and it looks like the airbag was deployed. The car was facing eastbound during towing, so it is assumed that was the direction in which it was heading when the journey ended.
A young guy, probably in his early twenties, was the driver, but, other than these vague bits of info, nothing else can be said about what may have happened.
Down at the corner of Carbon Canyon Road and Rosemary Lane, a Sheriff's car stood watch as a tow truck loaded the badly-damaged, probably totaled, coupe onto the flat bed.
As the photos show, the front end was crushed in, primarily on the driver's side, and it looks like the airbag was deployed. The car was facing eastbound during towing, so it is assumed that was the direction in which it was heading when the journey ended.
A young guy, probably in his early twenties, was the driver, but, other than these vague bits of info, nothing else can be said about what may have happened.
19 October 2014
Another Ramble in the Hills Above Carbon Canyon
Notably, while there is an established trail system in Chino Hills, including some fine ones off of Grand Avenue, Chino Hills Parkway and other locations where the views are excellent, there are no public trails of any significance in Carbon Canyon, which offers unparalleled experiences not found elsewhere in the city.
There still has to be, once a plan is submitted to and reviewed by the City of Chino Hills, a new Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which will raise the matter of significant adverse impacts to the environment that could affect the approval of the project. EXCEPT, that the City could (and, in fact, almost certainly would) impose Statements of Overriding Consideration (SOCs) that would provide grounds for approval based on perceived benefits to the city (though not necesarily the canyon) from the project that would override those impacts revealed in the EIR.
Moreover, the impacts that will be brought to bear by the Madrona, Canyon Hills, and Stonefield projects, totaling 262 units, will not be considered under the Hidden Oaks project when the EIR is done, because those projects are not completed.
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These flags are other indicators of ongoing testing at the project site. |
Another area of concern for Hidden Oaks is not just trails and the massive amount of cut-and-fill involving huge tonnage of dirt hauled out and brought in for fill, but also the matter of where water runoff from streets and other elements of the development is being directed. The land in question is some 500 acres from Carbon Canyon Road all the way south into Soquel Canyon, so the plan evidently is to dump the runoff into Soquel Creek.
Today's walk took in the sylvan scenes of Rock Canyon, even with the extreme dryness of our long-term drought, and despite the brutal clearing of the Hidden Oaks property when it was approved for development nearly twenty years ago and some 2,000 trees, including majestic oaks, were bulldozed before the developer went bankrupt and the project died (that's another sore subject--letting someone destroy on that scale without reasonable assurances, like a bond, that they could actually carry out the project!)
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The creek in Rock Canyon descends steeply and narrowly as it moves southeast towards Soquel Canyon. The cattle trail at right winds through and along its banks. |
The canyon terminates by joining Soquel Creek, which runs along the northern edge of Soquel Canyon and even that watercourse, which usually has at least some flow most years, is totally dry, at least at the confluence with Rock Canyon. As noted above, the project's acreage includes a portion of Soquel Canyon and even climbs a bit of the southfacing hill, the other side of which is Chino Hills State Park.
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The creek at Rock Canyon as it terminates at Soquel Creek in Soquel Canyon. |
There is another consideration: overgrazing by cattle, especially in the midst of this terrible drought, is dessicating the landscape, here and throughout Carbon Canyon. This was noticed in the last significant rain when eroded soil poured onto Carbon Canyon Road just west of Chino Hills Parkway for the steep, denuded slopes below the "maternity hotel" perched on the ridgetop. That didn't just happen and the problem will be found elsewhere in which cattle continue to graze where the plant material has diminished.
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Soquel Creek, which usually has some water in it but is, of course, dry during this debilitating drought, as it moves westward from the confluence with Rock Canyon creek. |
Then, there is the worsening traffic, increased fire risk, excessive use of water and everything else that makes tract developments like this anachronisms, relics of a time now gone when it was thought that massive building could go on seemingly indefinitely. Yet, instead of adjusting to changing realities in our environment, the same framework continues to be applied. That framework is faulty and failing, but so long as the developers make money and governments serve as willing accomplices, then it will still hold sway, leaving the reckoning to those who come along later.
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Another pretty spot along Rock Creek even in the driest of situations. |
Those who enjoy walks like those taken today have time, but it's fleeting. The fellow hiker on today's trip has enjoyed this walk for some forty years and the prospect of losing access to Rock Canyon is a tough one to contemplate. Practical considerations are leading him to push to public access through a trail through Rock Canyon while also working to move the runoff to another location and in another way. Hopefully, at the very least, these worthy goals can be realized.
How many more houses can be built in Carbon Canyon before it is no longer what attracts most who live there?
How much worse can the traffic get (and it is getting worse, as anyone who drives Carbon Canyon Road during commuter hours can attest, despite the traffic studies paid for by developers that suggest otherwise)?
How much more water will be taken that we increasingly can't afford to provide for these projects?
How much more of a fire risk will there be on these wind-swept ridgetops with steep canyons ideal for driving fire upslope?
How much longer will local governments continue to operate in an outdated fashion when it comes to large housing tracts in the urban/wildland interface?
Are these questions continuing to be rhetorical?
18 October 2014
Bacteria to the Future with Carbon Canyon Water Lines
The strange saga of bacteria-infected water lines newly laid for the forthcoming Canyon Hills housing development of 76 units in the Chino Hills portion of Carbon Canyon near Sleepy Hollow continues.
As reported in today's Champion by Marianne Napoles, the lines showed unacceptable bacterial levels back a few months ago and the City of Chino Hills ordered chlorine-laced flushing of the lines to try to remove the bacteria. Repeated efforts, leading to the runoff of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water (this during a worsening, serious drought) into Carbon Creek, failed to address the problem.
Consequently, it is now reported that the city is targeting the four areas of the lines that were sampled for bacteria detection and that the discharged chlorinated water will be collected by a water truck, though what will be done with it was not stated.
Further, Nix stated that the figure of 1.4 million gallons said to have been used in the initial flushing was probably higher than actual, though that latter figure was not provided. Still, it was agreed by the city that 1.4 million gallons could be used for the effort to remove the bacteria.
Quoted as saying that, "we want to get through this process, everyone is anxious," Nix said that the lines would be infused with chlorine, allowed to sit for five days, and then be flushed at the four sampled spots this coming Friday, the 24th.
It is easy to wonder what would have been done if this issue hadn't been brought to the attention of both the city and the paper, now that there has been a change in tactic and, especially, in the reduction of water use "for conservation purposes," as expressed in the article.
It is also strange that the actual amounts of water used for flushing has been dramatically lowered--even though, given the drought conditions we face, any massive water use like this should be evaluated and scrutinized.
So, it will be interesting to see what will be reported by Napoles in next week's edition of the Champion.
As reported in today's Champion by Marianne Napoles, the lines showed unacceptable bacterial levels back a few months ago and the City of Chino Hills ordered chlorine-laced flushing of the lines to try to remove the bacteria. Repeated efforts, leading to the runoff of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water (this during a worsening, serious drought) into Carbon Creek, failed to address the problem.
Consequently, it is now reported that the city is targeting the four areas of the lines that were sampled for bacteria detection and that the discharged chlorinated water will be collected by a water truck, though what will be done with it was not stated.
Further, Nix stated that the figure of 1.4 million gallons said to have been used in the initial flushing was probably higher than actual, though that latter figure was not provided. Still, it was agreed by the city that 1.4 million gallons could be used for the effort to remove the bacteria.
Quoted as saying that, "we want to get through this process, everyone is anxious," Nix said that the lines would be infused with chlorine, allowed to sit for five days, and then be flushed at the four sampled spots this coming Friday, the 24th.
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A detail of the above scene. This Friday the 24th, a new flushing at four sampling locations will be conducted. |
It is also strange that the actual amounts of water used for flushing has been dramatically lowered--even though, given the drought conditions we face, any massive water use like this should be evaluated and scrutinized.
So, it will be interesting to see what will be reported by Napoles in next week's edition of the Champion.
16 October 2014
Carbon Canyon FEMA Grant Project Nearing Completion
Coordinated by the Chino Valley Independent Fire District, in collaboration with CalFire, the state fire protection agency, and other partners, the mitigation project is within the Chino Hills portion of Carbon Canyon and involves brush clearance, thinning of plants and trees, firebreak creation and other elements.
Crews have worked basically from Carriage Hills to Sleepy Hollow on the south and Sleepy Hollow through Oak Tree Estates on the north and in other areas on the canyon perimeter. In some cases, workers have battled hot, dry weather, tough plant material, and steep hillside location to do the tough work needed to complete the project.
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This photo taken on Monday shows a crew of CalFire workers perched on the steep slopes of the hills above the southwest portion of Sleepy Hollow as they complete the important mitigation project. |
As today's 25-acre plus fire at the Chino Hills entrance to Chino Hills State Park demonstrates, the threat of a major fire is just about always present in our changing environment, considering climate change, drought, continued development encroaching on hazardous wildfire areas, and more.
Consequently, this work represents a vital effort to do what can be done to mitigate the effects of wildfires in Carbon Canyon and also shows just how far fire protection measures have come over the years. Kudos to everyone involved in this project for doing their best to assist in making Carbon Canyon as protected as possible against wildfire damage.
15 October 2014
On the Skids in Carbon Canyon #16141
Just sitting here on the computer a few minutes ago, when the familiar roar of a speeding car, the skidding as it tried to negotiate a curve here Sleepy Hollow and then the sounds of crashing were heard in short order.
Walking down to Carbon Canyon Road and then a little east of Rosemary Lane, there are two late-model cars sitting on the south side of the highway, one of them with a blown-out tire and probably other damage and three young men, in their late teens or early twenties, milling around with flashlights.
On the side of the road, where there is a dirt embankment about six or eight feet high, the tire marks are visible climbing the slope to where the remnant of a rock wall projected out and was hit by the vehicle. The car then drove down the road a couple hundred feet or so before it came to a halt along the narrow shoulder.
The driver and his friends, who a neighbor said were racing through the canyon, were walking down the road with their flashlights looking for something--probably whatever common sense they once had.
This has become something of a consistence occurrence in a decade of living in Carbon Canyon and being right on the road gives a little extra experience to the regular displays of dangerous driving that happen along Carbon Canyon Road. In most cases, the speeding and skidding don't lead to an accident, but sometimes they do.
Not long ago, someone heading westbound on the highway, just east of Olinda Village took a curve too fast, skidded across the opposing lane and put a good-size dent in the guardrail there. Other recent instances of skid marks, mostly on the Brea side, show people miscalculating and over-correcting, but not actually hitting anything.
The sheriff's department was called, basically because of the close proximity of the disable vehicle to the roadway as a fairly regular stream of cars are making their way east into Chino Hills and there could be a hazard. Wonder if the responding officer will ask what happened and what kind of answer there'll be. The call in did mention that there was racing going on--the roar of the engine, the skidding and the crash were pretty clear indicators.
In all likelihood, the car will get towed and repaired and the youngster will be at it again very soon.
Walking down to Carbon Canyon Road and then a little east of Rosemary Lane, there are two late-model cars sitting on the south side of the highway, one of them with a blown-out tire and probably other damage and three young men, in their late teens or early twenties, milling around with flashlights.
On the side of the road, where there is a dirt embankment about six or eight feet high, the tire marks are visible climbing the slope to where the remnant of a rock wall projected out and was hit by the vehicle. The car then drove down the road a couple hundred feet or so before it came to a halt along the narrow shoulder.
The driver and his friends, who a neighbor said were racing through the canyon, were walking down the road with their flashlights looking for something--probably whatever common sense they once had.
This has become something of a consistence occurrence in a decade of living in Carbon Canyon and being right on the road gives a little extra experience to the regular displays of dangerous driving that happen along Carbon Canyon Road. In most cases, the speeding and skidding don't lead to an accident, but sometimes they do.
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Damage from a recent accident on Carbon Canyon Road east of Olinda Village, in which a car heading westbound skidded across the road and hit the guardrail. |
The sheriff's department was called, basically because of the close proximity of the disable vehicle to the roadway as a fairly regular stream of cars are making their way east into Chino Hills and there could be a hazard. Wonder if the responding officer will ask what happened and what kind of answer there'll be. The call in did mention that there was racing going on--the roar of the engine, the skidding and the crash were pretty clear indicators.
In all likelihood, the car will get towed and repaired and the youngster will be at it again very soon.
14 October 2014
Chino Hills Historical Society Presentation Last Night
Last evening's talk at the Chino Hills Community Center for the Chino Hills Historical Society by Champion owner and publisher emeritus Allen McCombs was filled with great photos of the Chino Valley from the 19th century to the very recent past and punctuated with interesting anecdotes and stories about the people and places of the area.
McCombs came to Chino in 1956 fresh from a three-year stint in the Navy and with a journalism pedigree and training, purchased the Champion, which continues now in its 127th consecutive year under the original name and still very much a viable paper (even in this technological period), thanks largely to his leadership.
His talk covered everything from Antonio María Lugo, grantee of the Rancho Santa Ana del Chino in 1841, to the creation of Chino in 1887 by Richard Gird, to early landmarks and significant residents in that town, to the development of Chino Hills in the last quarter century, and much else.
The one-hour presentation covered a lot of ground and some of the best parts were when McCombs shared his personal connection to people, buildings and locales, with some of the more humorous and telling recollections coming during the question-and-answer period after the formal part was concluded.
There is no one in the area with more knowledge of the community's development and, while McCombs has shared much of this through his paper and, specifically, his "Rolltop Roundup" column, there is clearly a great deal more information that has not been made public yet. Hopefully he'll do so because he is one of the last living links to the small-town Chino Valley which predominated until probably the 1960s or 1970s.
It was fun to hear the stories and see the images--preserving as much of the remarkable store of historical material McCombs possesses becomes that much more important because we'll not see the like of him again in the Chino Valley.
The next presentation for the Chino Hills Historical Society is slated for Monday, 9 February 2015 when the focus will be on the archaeological work done in the area over the years. That should be an interesting presentation on the unearthing of the previously-buried history via artifacts found at building sites in the valley.
McCombs came to Chino in 1956 fresh from a three-year stint in the Navy and with a journalism pedigree and training, purchased the Champion, which continues now in its 127th consecutive year under the original name and still very much a viable paper (even in this technological period), thanks largely to his leadership.
His talk covered everything from Antonio María Lugo, grantee of the Rancho Santa Ana del Chino in 1841, to the creation of Chino in 1887 by Richard Gird, to early landmarks and significant residents in that town, to the development of Chino Hills in the last quarter century, and much else.
The one-hour presentation covered a lot of ground and some of the best parts were when McCombs shared his personal connection to people, buildings and locales, with some of the more humorous and telling recollections coming during the question-and-answer period after the formal part was concluded.
There is no one in the area with more knowledge of the community's development and, while McCombs has shared much of this through his paper and, specifically, his "Rolltop Roundup" column, there is clearly a great deal more information that has not been made public yet. Hopefully he'll do so because he is one of the last living links to the small-town Chino Valley which predominated until probably the 1960s or 1970s.
It was fun to hear the stories and see the images--preserving as much of the remarkable store of historical material McCombs possesses becomes that much more important because we'll not see the like of him again in the Chino Valley.
The next presentation for the Chino Hills Historical Society is slated for Monday, 9 February 2015 when the focus will be on the archaeological work done in the area over the years. That should be an interesting presentation on the unearthing of the previously-buried history via artifacts found at building sites in the valley.
13 October 2014
A Little History of Laband Village in Chino Hills
The last post concerned some of the history of the people behind the name of the Gordon Ranch subdivision in Chino Hills and now is a similar excursion into Laband Village. This community abuts Gordon Ranch to the north, starting off of Chino Hills Parkway between Eucalyptus Avenue and Grand Avenue and extending past Grand and into the hills to the northwest. As with the Gordons, there is some interesting history about the Laband family.
The Labands, an Ashkenazi Jewish family, hailed from what was then the city of Breslau in Prussia, which was an independent nation before being incorporated into a unified Germany in 1871. After the German empire collapsed in World War I, the region became Poland and the city's name changed to Wroclaw. This blogger has maternal ancestors, the Levys, who were also from Breslau.
One of the more famed of the Labands, Paul Laband, was a professor of international law, was a major supporter of the unified Germany, and wrote many important and influential works before his death at Strassbourg in 1918.
Born in Breslau in 1900 was Walter Hermann Laband, who came up in the banking trade in his native city but developed contacts throughout Europe and especially in Amsterdam in Holland. Starting in the 1920s he began to make trips to New York as part of his business and, by the end of the decade, he was hired by a prominent Wall Street firm, Maurice Wertheim and Company, to work for them by facilitating stock transactions in Europe, principally London and Amsterdam, through companies acquired from Colbin and Company
In September 1929, Laband was a party in the first trans-Atlantic telephone stock transaction between his firm and a Milan bank. Several weeks later, however, the stock market crashed in New York ushering in the Great Depression. Fortunately for Laband, his firm had disposed of all of its bad stock prior to the collapse.
Laband was married first to Ruth Hilde Steinlitz, from whom he was divorced in 1931. In August of the following year in Amsterdam, he was wed to Katharina Steinweg. Notably, while Laband was born Jewish, he was obviously not observant, as Katharina was a Roman Catholic. The union bore a daughter, Kathleen, and a son, Stephen, and, in 1939, as the Second World War erupted, the Labands left for England, settling in the town of Sevenoaks. Just several months later, Katharina Laband died a few weeks shy of her 33rd birthday.
Laband continued working for Wertheim & Co. until 1946 when he retired, taking with him about a quarter of the company's stock and providing the gift of a week's pay for each employee of the business. Interestingly, according to an obituary for this last wife, Francine Lombard, he was working as an intelligence officer for the British Army at Versailles in France after the conclusion of World War II.
Francine, who was born in 1920 and grew up in Versailles, studied at the famed Sorbonne university in Paris and was a MASH unit nurse during the final assault of Allied forces into Nazi Germany as the war came to a conclusion. The obit mentioned that, after their honeymoon, the couple relocated to the United States, settling in, of all places, Covina.
Walter Laband then formed General Air Conditioning, a firm that may well have been financed with the stock he took with him from Wertheim & Co. The use of air conditioning was starting to expand exponentially in the post-World War II era and General Air became one of America's largest and most successful firms, operating offices all over the United States.
General Air's plant was located near the intersection of Interstate 5 and Interstate 710, but it was incorporated in Florida in 1953, for obvious reasons of tax advantages, with its offices in Jacksonville. Clearly, the company made a significant fortune for Laband, whose wife, Francine, was a director.
The couple, who had three children of their own (Stephen, from the first marriage, died after an accident in 1951 while still a teen), purchased 400 acres in the southeastern corner of what is now West Covina near Grand Avenue and Cameron and lived on a large home there. Within a few years of settling in the area, the Labands bought a large estate and property on a promontory overlooking Lake Arrowhead.
The Labands quickly became prominent in their new home, with the couple being active with Intercommunity Hospital, now part of Citrus Valley Health Partners, which offers a Laband Award honoring major supporters; Casa Colina, a rehabilitation center that was started next to Boys Republic here in the Chino Hills area before it moved to Pomona in 1960 and at which there is a Laband Building; Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, for which the couple endowed the Laband Art Gallery in 1984 and also supported the Kelly Art Gallery; and very active involvement in the Roman Catholic Church. The couple each were knighted by the Church and served as regents and associates at Catholic universities, he at Immaculate Heart and she at Loyola Marymount. The Walter and Francine Laband Foundation was formed in 1961 to support their charitable endeavors and dissolved in 2012.
As the Chino Hills area became part of a major planning effort by San Bernardino County in the late 1970s and early 1980s and then the real estate market became red hot by the end of Eighties, the Labands benefited mightily. Newspaper reports from October 1988 revealed that 89 acres of the ranch were purchased for a staggering $18 million by Fieldstone, a Newport Beach-based builder and that Riverdale Management was overseeing a planned community of 1,700 units, now known as LaBand Village (curiously, the spelling of the family name is everywhere else "Laband.") Notably, just a short time after the Laband Ranch sale, the real estate market, grossly overheated and overvalued, tanked, leading to a depressed market which lasted through most of the 1990s.
Less than a year after the fabulous windfall in the sale of Laband Ranch, on 1 July 1989, Walter Laband died at the age of 89. His widow lived until 2010 when she died at the same age. Their large West Covina home, on a 2.44 acre parcel, as the rest of the 400 acres were sold off over their years for residential development, was sold in 2012.
There is an interesting little footnote to the story of the Labands. Before he married Francine and while still in the banking industry in Europe, Walter bought bonds from the Republic of China that were backed by gold reserves and, allegedly, the full faith and credit of the government.
It is said Walter Laband began buying Chinese-issued bonds in 1913, but that would have been when he was only thirteen years old, unless a relative made those transactions for him, and continued for twenty-five years until the late 1930s.
Then came World War II and the Japanese invasion of China, followed by the campaign of Mao Tse-Tung and the Communists which led to the 1949 revolution that ushered Mao to power. Nothing was done by the Chinese on these bonds until the People's Republic formally disowned any responsibility for the bonds as being from a previous government. By 2008, when CBS News covered the issue, 15,000 persons were due an estimated $260 billion, so some of them took their complaint to Congress.
Part of the effort was to show members of the House of Representatives that the bonds included, in four languages, wording that bound the Chinese government "and its successors" to pay bondholders what they were due for their 5% interest payments over time. Among those who went to Washington was Pierre Laband, son of Walter and Francine, who said in the CBS piece that his father needed the payments to "make ends meet," which, given the Labands very successful lifestyle, seemed a tad overstated! In any event, the issue remained unresolved.
Like its neighbor, Gordon Ranch, Laband Village is generally viewed as a collection of tract houses and other residences, along with the Laband Shopping Center, as part of a new city with little history, but there is actually some interesting history behind the names of these communities within Chino Hills. As the city approaches its 25th anniversary in 2016, that history can be an interesting part of the celebration.
The Labands, an Ashkenazi Jewish family, hailed from what was then the city of Breslau in Prussia, which was an independent nation before being incorporated into a unified Germany in 1871. After the German empire collapsed in World War I, the region became Poland and the city's name changed to Wroclaw. This blogger has maternal ancestors, the Levys, who were also from Breslau.
One of the more famed of the Labands, Paul Laband, was a professor of international law, was a major supporter of the unified Germany, and wrote many important and influential works before his death at Strassbourg in 1918.
Born in Breslau in 1900 was Walter Hermann Laband, who came up in the banking trade in his native city but developed contacts throughout Europe and especially in Amsterdam in Holland. Starting in the 1920s he began to make trips to New York as part of his business and, by the end of the decade, he was hired by a prominent Wall Street firm, Maurice Wertheim and Company, to work for them by facilitating stock transactions in Europe, principally London and Amsterdam, through companies acquired from Colbin and Company
In September 1929, Laband was a party in the first trans-Atlantic telephone stock transaction between his firm and a Milan bank. Several weeks later, however, the stock market crashed in New York ushering in the Great Depression. Fortunately for Laband, his firm had disposed of all of its bad stock prior to the collapse.
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Walter Hermann Laband and his second wife, Katharina Steinweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1932. From the Amsterdam City Archives and the Red Een Portret Web site. |
Laband continued working for Wertheim & Co. until 1946 when he retired, taking with him about a quarter of the company's stock and providing the gift of a week's pay for each employee of the business. Interestingly, according to an obituary for this last wife, Francine Lombard, he was working as an intelligence officer for the British Army at Versailles in France after the conclusion of World War II.
Francine, who was born in 1920 and grew up in Versailles, studied at the famed Sorbonne university in Paris and was a MASH unit nurse during the final assault of Allied forces into Nazi Germany as the war came to a conclusion. The obit mentioned that, after their honeymoon, the couple relocated to the United States, settling in, of all places, Covina.
Walter Laband then formed General Air Conditioning, a firm that may well have been financed with the stock he took with him from Wertheim & Co. The use of air conditioning was starting to expand exponentially in the post-World War II era and General Air became one of America's largest and most successful firms, operating offices all over the United States.
General Air's plant was located near the intersection of Interstate 5 and Interstate 710, but it was incorporated in Florida in 1953, for obvious reasons of tax advantages, with its offices in Jacksonville. Clearly, the company made a significant fortune for Laband, whose wife, Francine, was a director.
The couple, who had three children of their own (Stephen, from the first marriage, died after an accident in 1951 while still a teen), purchased 400 acres in the southeastern corner of what is now West Covina near Grand Avenue and Cameron and lived on a large home there. Within a few years of settling in the area, the Labands bought a large estate and property on a promontory overlooking Lake Arrowhead.
The Labands quickly became prominent in their new home, with the couple being active with Intercommunity Hospital, now part of Citrus Valley Health Partners, which offers a Laband Award honoring major supporters; Casa Colina, a rehabilitation center that was started next to Boys Republic here in the Chino Hills area before it moved to Pomona in 1960 and at which there is a Laband Building; Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, for which the couple endowed the Laband Art Gallery in 1984 and also supported the Kelly Art Gallery; and very active involvement in the Roman Catholic Church. The couple each were knighted by the Church and served as regents and associates at Catholic universities, he at Immaculate Heart and she at Loyola Marymount. The Walter and Francine Laband Foundation was formed in 1961 to support their charitable endeavors and dissolved in 2012.
As the Chino Hills area became part of a major planning effort by San Bernardino County in the late 1970s and early 1980s and then the real estate market became red hot by the end of Eighties, the Labands benefited mightily. Newspaper reports from October 1988 revealed that 89 acres of the ranch were purchased for a staggering $18 million by Fieldstone, a Newport Beach-based builder and that Riverdale Management was overseeing a planned community of 1,700 units, now known as LaBand Village (curiously, the spelling of the family name is everywhere else "Laband.") Notably, just a short time after the Laband Ranch sale, the real estate market, grossly overheated and overvalued, tanked, leading to a depressed market which lasted through most of the 1990s.
Less than a year after the fabulous windfall in the sale of Laband Ranch, on 1 July 1989, Walter Laband died at the age of 89. His widow lived until 2010 when she died at the same age. Their large West Covina home, on a 2.44 acre parcel, as the rest of the 400 acres were sold off over their years for residential development, was sold in 2012.
There is an interesting little footnote to the story of the Labands. Before he married Francine and while still in the banking industry in Europe, Walter bought bonds from the Republic of China that were backed by gold reserves and, allegedly, the full faith and credit of the government.
It is said Walter Laband began buying Chinese-issued bonds in 1913, but that would have been when he was only thirteen years old, unless a relative made those transactions for him, and continued for twenty-five years until the late 1930s.
Then came World War II and the Japanese invasion of China, followed by the campaign of Mao Tse-Tung and the Communists which led to the 1949 revolution that ushered Mao to power. Nothing was done by the Chinese on these bonds until the People's Republic formally disowned any responsibility for the bonds as being from a previous government. By 2008, when CBS News covered the issue, 15,000 persons were due an estimated $260 billion, so some of them took their complaint to Congress.
Part of the effort was to show members of the House of Representatives that the bonds included, in four languages, wording that bound the Chinese government "and its successors" to pay bondholders what they were due for their 5% interest payments over time. Among those who went to Washington was Pierre Laband, son of Walter and Francine, who said in the CBS piece that his father needed the payments to "make ends meet," which, given the Labands very successful lifestyle, seemed a tad overstated! In any event, the issue remained unresolved.
Like its neighbor, Gordon Ranch, Laband Village is generally viewed as a collection of tract houses and other residences, along with the Laband Shopping Center, as part of a new city with little history, but there is actually some interesting history behind the names of these communities within Chino Hills. As the city approaches its 25th anniversary in 2016, that history can be an interesting part of the celebration.
11 October 2014
A Little History of Gordon Ranch in Chino Hills
Just to the north and east of Carbon Canyon is a section of Chino Hills called Gordon Ranch. Recently, a short news article from 1964 was located about a birthday party held at the ranch for its owner, Huntley Lennox Gordon. This started a search for more information about him and the ranch property.
Gordon was born in September 1882 in Minneapolis to Hanford Lennox Gordon and Mary Louise Carpenter. Hanford, a native of New York, was the organizer of the First Minnesota Volunteer regiment during the Civil War, which fought auspiciously at the Battle of Round Top, and later fought in campaigns against the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, being appointed a Brigadier General by President Ulysses S. Grant.
A biography of Hanford Gordon claimed he was made an honorary member of the Sioux, however, and he went on to be a poet and author, writing what were referred to as "Indian poems" in the volume, "Indian Legends and other Poems," a collection called "Laconics," and the novels "The Feast of the Virgins" and "Pauline." Hanford's first wife, by whom he had a daughter, died in 1877 and he married Mary Carpenter late the following year (in a double wedding including his daughter, no less!)
Hanford Gordon became a lawyer in Ithaca, New York and then practiced in Minneapolis and made his fortune representing James J. Hill, one of the most powerful men in America during much of the late 1800s as president of the Great Northern Railway and who was known as "The Empire Builder."
He also did very well in the lumber business and was a mover and shaker in the Minnesota Republican Party (which was then generally more liberal than the Democrats) and served in Congress. With his financial situation more than lucrative, Hanford moved his family to California, starting in San Jose, although he divorced Mary and relocated to Los Angeles, and married a much younger woman, Nellie Kennedy, whom he also divorced in 1906.
The elder Gordon also bought some prime property in the years after the Los Angeles region went through its first major land boom and then bust and built a commercial structure, The Gordon Building, at Second and Broadway. He also owned a lot at Fourth and Hill that became the Hotel Clark, the structure built in 1914 is just now reopening as a renovated hotel, as well as several ranches in the southwest sections of the growing city. He was also president of the Manhattan Mining and Oil Company.
On his death in 1920, Hanford Gordon had unusually detailed instructions about his burial, specifying that he be buried in his cheapest suit in a simple redwood coffin of exact dimensions. He wanted no more than $100 spent on his funeral, noting that "I desire the cheapest funeral possible without the service of any priest or clergyman."
Moreover, he instructed a son, William, and another estate executor to place his body facing north at the west end of the Gordon family plot at Rosedale Cemetery. He also ordered that only his descendants and those of his children be interred in the plot and pointedly excluded a son-in-law and his two ex-wives from burial there. His $50,000 estate was to be divided into amounts from $100-1500 to family members, as well as to pay inheritance taxes.
Just prior to the elder Gordon's death, his son Huntley, who lived with his mother and brother in San Jose and then was a manager of a bathing resort in Los Angeles, acquired property in what was then the Artesia Township as a dairy. This was in 1917 as the southeastern portions of Los Angeles County was increasingly being devoted to the dairy industry, including places like Cerritos, Paramount, Lakewood, Bellflower and nearby locales--areas that, when suburban housing took root by the 1950s, saw its dairy farmers move out to Chino and Ontario. Now, the dairies are relocating elsewhere in the American West.
Huntley Gordon's dairy was on Del Amo Boulevard, just east of the San Gabriel River, and west of what is now Interstate 605 in a corner of Lakewood. In addition to the business, he raised beef cattle in the Mojave Desert and on a 3,500 acre spread on what was once the west end of the Rancho Santa Ana del Chino and which simply became known as "Gordon Ranch." In 1944, as the dairies of southeastern Los Angeles County were starting to be phased out, he sold the business, though one of his sons continued to reside at the site. Today, the Gordon Dairy area includes a strip mall, gas station and a housing tract, with two of its streets named Gordon Drive and Gordon Place.
Huntley Gordon was first married to Olive Roelling and had a son and twin daughters with her. After a divorce in 1915, he married Margaret Gleason and they had a son, Robert. She died in 1945 and Gordon married his last wife, Edna Myers, who had been a well-known designer in New York. Gordon remained a resident of his Chino ranch for over twenty years, passing away there on the last day of 1967 at the age of 85.
Huntley also had a serious hobby: car racing. In 1914 and 1915, he participated in six races, driving a Mercer, with the American Championship Car Racing circuit in the Los Angeles area, including one of the early popular tracks out at Santa Monica. His best finish was a fifth place showing at a race in Corona. It is also said he raced at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
The tradition continued with his son's son Robert, Jr., also known as "Baja Bob," a well-known off-road racer in the Baja California and local circuits. His wife, Marlene, has also done some racing and the sport was continued by several of their children, including daughters Beccy (who also played softball for the American national team at the inaugural of female softball in the Olympics in Barcelona in 1992) and Robyn, the only woman to win the Baja 1000 race.
The most famous of the Gordon racing clan is Robby, brother to Beccy and Robyn, and who has been unusual in that he has competed in NASCAR, IndyCar, various off-road events and the Paris to Dakar race, in which he ended third in 2000. A 1999 fourth-place finished at the Indy 500, Robby Gordon is a 3-time winner of the Baja 1000 and has taken the Baja 500 crown four times (most recently in 2013) and recently captured a bronze medal at the Summer X games at Austin, Texas. He has been involved in a number of controversies in a sport that has more than a few of these.
After portions of the ranch were sold off over the years after Huntley Gordon's death at the end of 1967, the Gordon Ranch became part of an 1100-acre master planned community under the Chino Hills General Plan laid out by San Bernardino County in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
Thousands of people live in the Gordon Ranch neighborhood (Chino Hills' original "village" concept has now been abandoned), shop at the Gordon Ranch shopping center at Chino Hills Parkway and Eucalyptus Avenue, play at what is now Veterans (formerly Crossroads) Park, and drive along Chino Hills Parkway past some of the "Gordon Ranch" monument signs.
The history of the ranch and its namesake family deserves to be remembered as part of the city's history, especially because there seems to be an assumption that, because Chino Hills only goes back to 1991 (its 25th anniversary isn't far off), there is no history in it. This is far from the case and the next post deals with another interesting family, the Labands.
Gordon was born in September 1882 in Minneapolis to Hanford Lennox Gordon and Mary Louise Carpenter. Hanford, a native of New York, was the organizer of the First Minnesota Volunteer regiment during the Civil War, which fought auspiciously at the Battle of Round Top, and later fought in campaigns against the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, being appointed a Brigadier General by President Ulysses S. Grant.
A biography of Hanford Gordon claimed he was made an honorary member of the Sioux, however, and he went on to be a poet and author, writing what were referred to as "Indian poems" in the volume, "Indian Legends and other Poems," a collection called "Laconics," and the novels "The Feast of the Virgins" and "Pauline." Hanford's first wife, by whom he had a daughter, died in 1877 and he married Mary Carpenter late the following year (in a double wedding including his daughter, no less!)
Hanford Gordon became a lawyer in Ithaca, New York and then practiced in Minneapolis and made his fortune representing James J. Hill, one of the most powerful men in America during much of the late 1800s as president of the Great Northern Railway and who was known as "The Empire Builder."
He also did very well in the lumber business and was a mover and shaker in the Minnesota Republican Party (which was then generally more liberal than the Democrats) and served in Congress. With his financial situation more than lucrative, Hanford moved his family to California, starting in San Jose, although he divorced Mary and relocated to Los Angeles, and married a much younger woman, Nellie Kennedy, whom he also divorced in 1906.
The elder Gordon also bought some prime property in the years after the Los Angeles region went through its first major land boom and then bust and built a commercial structure, The Gordon Building, at Second and Broadway. He also owned a lot at Fourth and Hill that became the Hotel Clark, the structure built in 1914 is just now reopening as a renovated hotel, as well as several ranches in the southwest sections of the growing city. He was also president of the Manhattan Mining and Oil Company.
On his death in 1920, Hanford Gordon had unusually detailed instructions about his burial, specifying that he be buried in his cheapest suit in a simple redwood coffin of exact dimensions. He wanted no more than $100 spent on his funeral, noting that "I desire the cheapest funeral possible without the service of any priest or clergyman."
Moreover, he instructed a son, William, and another estate executor to place his body facing north at the west end of the Gordon family plot at Rosedale Cemetery. He also ordered that only his descendants and those of his children be interred in the plot and pointedly excluded a son-in-law and his two ex-wives from burial there. His $50,000 estate was to be divided into amounts from $100-1500 to family members, as well as to pay inheritance taxes.
Just prior to the elder Gordon's death, his son Huntley, who lived with his mother and brother in San Jose and then was a manager of a bathing resort in Los Angeles, acquired property in what was then the Artesia Township as a dairy. This was in 1917 as the southeastern portions of Los Angeles County was increasingly being devoted to the dairy industry, including places like Cerritos, Paramount, Lakewood, Bellflower and nearby locales--areas that, when suburban housing took root by the 1950s, saw its dairy farmers move out to Chino and Ontario. Now, the dairies are relocating elsewhere in the American West.
Huntley Gordon's dairy was on Del Amo Boulevard, just east of the San Gabriel River, and west of what is now Interstate 605 in a corner of Lakewood. In addition to the business, he raised beef cattle in the Mojave Desert and on a 3,500 acre spread on what was once the west end of the Rancho Santa Ana del Chino and which simply became known as "Gordon Ranch." In 1944, as the dairies of southeastern Los Angeles County were starting to be phased out, he sold the business, though one of his sons continued to reside at the site. Today, the Gordon Dairy area includes a strip mall, gas station and a housing tract, with two of its streets named Gordon Drive and Gordon Place.
Huntley Gordon was first married to Olive Roelling and had a son and twin daughters with her. After a divorce in 1915, he married Margaret Gleason and they had a son, Robert. She died in 1945 and Gordon married his last wife, Edna Myers, who had been a well-known designer in New York. Gordon remained a resident of his Chino ranch for over twenty years, passing away there on the last day of 1967 at the age of 85.
Huntley also had a serious hobby: car racing. In 1914 and 1915, he participated in six races, driving a Mercer, with the American Championship Car Racing circuit in the Los Angeles area, including one of the early popular tracks out at Santa Monica. His best finish was a fifth place showing at a race in Corona. It is also said he raced at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
The tradition continued with his son's son Robert, Jr., also known as "Baja Bob," a well-known off-road racer in the Baja California and local circuits. His wife, Marlene, has also done some racing and the sport was continued by several of their children, including daughters Beccy (who also played softball for the American national team at the inaugural of female softball in the Olympics in Barcelona in 1992) and Robyn, the only woman to win the Baja 1000 race.
The most famous of the Gordon racing clan is Robby, brother to Beccy and Robyn, and who has been unusual in that he has competed in NASCAR, IndyCar, various off-road events and the Paris to Dakar race, in which he ended third in 2000. A 1999 fourth-place finished at the Indy 500, Robby Gordon is a 3-time winner of the Baja 1000 and has taken the Baja 500 crown four times (most recently in 2013) and recently captured a bronze medal at the Summer X games at Austin, Texas. He has been involved in a number of controversies in a sport that has more than a few of these.
After portions of the ranch were sold off over the years after Huntley Gordon's death at the end of 1967, the Gordon Ranch became part of an 1100-acre master planned community under the Chino Hills General Plan laid out by San Bernardino County in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
Thousands of people live in the Gordon Ranch neighborhood (Chino Hills' original "village" concept has now been abandoned), shop at the Gordon Ranch shopping center at Chino Hills Parkway and Eucalyptus Avenue, play at what is now Veterans (formerly Crossroads) Park, and drive along Chino Hills Parkway past some of the "Gordon Ranch" monument signs.
The history of the ranch and its namesake family deserves to be remembered as part of the city's history, especially because there seems to be an assumption that, because Chino Hills only goes back to 1991 (its 25th anniversary isn't far off), there is no history in it. This is far from the case and the next post deals with another interesting family, the Labands.
09 October 2014
Chino Hills Historical Society Presentation This Monday
Following on the heels of a very successful June talk in front of over 200 persons, the Chino Hills Historical Society is hosting its next lecture this Monday, 13 October at 7:00 p.m. at the Chino Hills Community Center, 14250 Peyton Drive.
The speaker is Allen McCombs and his topic is Chino Valley's Role in How the West Was Won (And the People Who Played an Important Part in It. McCombs is the publisher emeritus of Champion Newspapers, the oldest newspaper published under its original name, having been founded in 1887. He bought the paper in 1956, just after arriving in Chino after three years in the Navy, and his family retains ownership after nearly sixty years.
A native of Berkeley, McCombs earned his bachelor's degree in journalism at Stanford University, followed by a Master's in Business Administration from Harvard University. In addition to his career running the Champion, McCombs served on the school board and the Chino Planning Commission and is a lifetime member of the historical societies of Chino and Chino Hills.
The Historical Society has recently sprung back to action, spurred on by the recent completion of the Chino Hills Community Center and a core leadership that is actively working to promote local history through presentations like the one McCombs will give, as well as to conduct oral histories. The Society is entirely funded by membership fees and donations.
For more information on the upcoming presentation, call (909) 597-2051 or e-mail chhistory@aol.com.
The speaker is Allen McCombs and his topic is Chino Valley's Role in How the West Was Won (And the People Who Played an Important Part in It. McCombs is the publisher emeritus of Champion Newspapers, the oldest newspaper published under its original name, having been founded in 1887. He bought the paper in 1956, just after arriving in Chino after three years in the Navy, and his family retains ownership after nearly sixty years.
A native of Berkeley, McCombs earned his bachelor's degree in journalism at Stanford University, followed by a Master's in Business Administration from Harvard University. In addition to his career running the Champion, McCombs served on the school board and the Chino Planning Commission and is a lifetime member of the historical societies of Chino and Chino Hills.
The Historical Society has recently sprung back to action, spurred on by the recent completion of the Chino Hills Community Center and a core leadership that is actively working to promote local history through presentations like the one McCombs will give, as well as to conduct oral histories. The Society is entirely funded by membership fees and donations.
For more information on the upcoming presentation, call (909) 597-2051 or e-mail chhistory@aol.com.
05 October 2014
Tumbling Tumbleweeds' Troubling Transformations in Carbon Canyon
What's been popping up on the Canyon's hillsides and along Carbon Canyon Road are tumbleweeds. A 24 September article in the Los Angeles Times noted that tumbleweeds, spurred on by a prolonged drought and some late spring rains, have taken over areas usually inhabited by invasives like the wild mustard we typically see covering our local hills.
For this blogger, it's been many years since there has been a proliferation of tumbleweeds as is occurring now. At the time, the connection to drought was not there, but in the later 1970s, probably 1977 or so, drought drove the tumbleweed population sky-high and it is a vivid memory seeing the uprooted plants rolling down the streets of a Huntington Beach neighborhood. Several years later, maybe in 1983, a similar phenomenon was observed in the Placentia/Yorba Linda area.
Soon enough, a repeat of those distant recollections will be here. As the article related, tumbleweeds break off during the autumn and get into drains, ravines, fences, the yards of houses and in other areas. More concerning: the itinerant plants become highly flammable and pose a major fire hazard. In our region, dry as a bone and with vegetation already crispy and containing high fuel content, this added threat makes for a troublesome possibility.
There is a little history in the article, as well. Known as Russian thistle, the tumbleweed first made its appearance in the United States in the 1870s courtesy of the importation of flax seeds and spread widely and wildly. Naturally, they flourish during dry spells and are kept in check when rainfall is significant.
Interestingly, there are efforts underway to eradicate the plant by introducing fungi from, of course, Russia. Experiments conducted by the federal Department of Agriculture have been successful enough that the agency is seeking approval from the agency's Animal and Plant Inspection Service to begin treatment.
Meantime, public and private property owners are left with trying to remove existing plants and keep the additional fire hazard down.
To see the Los Angeles Times article in full, click here.
02 October 2014
Carbon Canyon Fire Safe Council Brush Drop-Off This Saturday
The Carbon Canyon Fire Safe Council is holding the Fall edition of its brush drop-off program this Saturday, 4 October from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. next to Fire Station 64 on Canon Lane and Carbon Canyon Road.
Council volunteers will be there to assist residents of the Chino Hills portion of Carbon Canyon only who want to bring brush and other vegetation removed from their properties and leave them in a roll-off bin provided by the City of Chino Hills in collaboration with Chino Hills Disposal.
With hot, dry Santa Ana conditions coming in this weekend, this is an important time to get that removed brush off property and disposed of and this program gives residents a boost in that direction.
Again, this program only applies to Chino Hills residents within Carbon Canyon, so if this fits the bill for you, bring down that cut vegetation this Saturday!
Council volunteers will be there to assist residents of the Chino Hills portion of Carbon Canyon only who want to bring brush and other vegetation removed from their properties and leave them in a roll-off bin provided by the City of Chino Hills in collaboration with Chino Hills Disposal.
With hot, dry Santa Ana conditions coming in this weekend, this is an important time to get that removed brush off property and disposed of and this program gives residents a boost in that direction.
Again, this program only applies to Chino Hills residents within Carbon Canyon, so if this fits the bill for you, bring down that cut vegetation this Saturday!
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